
St Marcelino Academy

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St Marcelino Academy is a daycare and Kindergarten, Primary, Boarding and Day School that Aims at building good religious morals in children and building up there discipline and self-esteem. St Marcelino Academy is a private mixed Nursery, primary Day, Boarding and Night Care School.

St Marcelino Academy is Catholic Founded school which supports children to Know God. As it is known that the fear of God is the source of wisdom, we also teach our pupils to fear God for the better future and success.

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It is a school with the following elements; Gifted Teaching Staff, Small number in class rooms, Safe and secure environment, Transport Services, Good health care

Mission: A state of the art school that provides holistic education to children of diverse back grounds.

Vision: To provide holistic education to children of diverse back grounds in a safe and rich environment.

Promoting physical activity should start from the nursery room, according to us of “Raising Our Athletic Daughters.” Promoting athletics as a parent is a crucial factor in determining whether your child will be interested in participating in sports.

Playing with your child, whether throwing a football or baseball with your son, or teaching your daughter how to swim, teaches them the importance of being active. Encouraging your school-age child to participate in a sport of their choice may be the reason they continue to play when they enter school.

St Marcelino Academy is imperative for school age children to have access to sports and games. Not only does it empower youth and promote higher self-esteem, it also motivates students, enables them to earn better grades, especially in schools where obtaining certain grades is a pre-requisite to staying on the team. Numerous physical benefits include maintaining a healthy weight, preventing chronic diseases and learning the skills necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle after graduating.

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